Welcome to the CYBERBOG, COVEN BERLIN’s stinky little playground for multimedia experiences. Bogs are assemblages of living and dead matter, and are of high importance for biodiversity, particularly in landscapes that are otherwise paved over or yield monocultures.
Not much grows in bogs, but what does flourish is as mysterious as carnivorous plants. This is indeed not a place to harvest but to root down and metabolize in. A cool and wet environment able to preserve many futures under a single slimy surface and allow communal immersion into deep waters. Here lives a continually evolving virtual series of videos, audio work, and written pieces—keep coming back all year for new content in our peat-y little online limbo ecosystem!
The CYBERBOG is currently hosting YEAR OF THE BOG
The CYBERBOG is designed to be keyboard navigable using the Tab and Enter keys, and is screen-reader compatible. All still images on the CYBERBOG have alternative text. Videos have accessibility features listed, which include for some videos: English subtitles and in-picture German Sign Language (Deutsche Gebärdensprache). The duration of all media is provided in minutes.